Hey, it's Tara 👋.
If you're dealing with the aftermath of birth or perinatal trauma, I'm here for you.
Feeling shocked or dismayed as you step into motherhood?
You're not on your own.
Your experience, as overwhelming as it may be, is genuine and can shake you up mentally physically & emotionally.
I've walked down that road, struggling with perinatal anxiety and self-doubts about my mothering capabilities.
My experience also cast a shadow over my subsequent pregnancy,robbing me of the fearless ease and joy I deserved in my pregnancy.
Don't let your experience rob you of what you truly deserve.
Feeling joyfully present and connected on your transition into #motherhood
Should you need any support with processing your traumatic experience, I'm here. Just connect when you feel ready and able.
Tara 💜 @resilientemotions
#BirthTrauma #birthtraumarecovery #PerinatalMentalHealth #PerinatalTrauma #4thtrimestercare #motherhoodawareness #traumaticbirthrecovery #haveningtechniques®️ #havening #haveningtrauma #haveningtechniques #haveningbirthtrauma #birthtraumatherapy #birthtraumatherapist #BirthTraumaSupport #birthtraumasupportireland #perinatalanxiety #perinatalanxietyanddepressionawareness #mumssupport